BCIT Inventory Project Update
Posted by Vinay Punwani at
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One of the $1M savings initiatives Supply Management is currently working on is related to a review of the items currently held in the NE09 inventory, the pricing of these items, and the feasibility of stocking additional high volume items.
Over the past month, we have launched a new inventory request system, BCIT Inventory Online Store. This store will become the preferred method for inventory request from March this year.
We currently carry 137 items across 40 product categories. Through this exercise we have been able to negotiate savings valued at $30K. Based on discussions with the School of Transportation, we have been working towards introducing an additional 10 items into inventory (predominantly for the tool crib environment), these being:
- Fast Orange Soap / gallon
- Shop Pro X8 - Jumbo Roll Wipers
- Blue 475 Wipers
- Masking tape 2"
- Masking tape 3/4"
- Ear Plugs/Decicamps
- Brake Kleen
- WD-40
- Scotch Brite Rolls 3M Red and Green
- Layout Dye (Spray)
The projected savings on the above 10 items alone, based on the mean price we have been paying in the past and the collective volume across multiple vendors is approximately $15K.
We are requesting the broader BCIT community to work with us and only request items held in stock through the Online Store (we need to restrict any slippage to third party vendors) so that we can capture our true volumes and look for additional opportunities to leverage economies of scale. Additionally, we would like to invite the BCIT community to work with us to identify other high volume items which we can collectively evaluate and introduce into inventory where the business case justifies.
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